Businessman Falling on Wet Floor

Trips, slips, and falls are all accidents that often happen on slippery surfaces. However, they are not the same thing. If you happen to take a tumble (and sustain an injury) due to the property owner’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. What is the difference between a trip, a slip, and a fall?

A Trip

According to law, a trip is typically caused by an object on the ground that obstructs your path. For example, if you are walking down a sidewalk and there is a large pothole in the middle of the road, you may trip over it. If someone else created this hazardous condition, they could be held liable for your injuries.

Uneven or broken surfaces can also cause trips. For example, if you are walking in a grocery store and there is an area that has been worn down due to the heavy amount of foot traffic, you may trip. The property owner could also be held liable for your injuries if they failed to properly maintain their premises.

accident in the office with the cable

A Slip

Slips typically occur when someone loses their footing on what appears to be flat and level ground. For example, if you are walking in a grocery store and there is spilled liquid on the floor, you may slip and fall because of this hidden hazard. The property owner could be held liable for your injuries under these circumstances as well.

Essentially, anything “slippery” could fall into this category. Banana peels (no joke) or beads can also cause someone to slip if they step on them on certain flooring.

A Fall

Finally, what about falls? A fall typically occurs when someone trips or slips and their body goes into free fall. The risk of falling increases on wet surfaces because it is more difficult to maintain your footing on what appears flat and solid ground. If you are walking down a stairway in the snow, for example, you may slip or trip (especially if there is some sort of obstruction), then fall due to the slippery conditions.

Are Slip and Fall Cases Hard to Win?

Slip and fall cases are not always easy to win. This is because the property owner typically argues that the injured person “should have known better” than to walk down an icy stairway or slip on a spilled substance.

However, with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer, you may be able to prove that the property owner was negligent and that your injuries were the direct result of their actions (or inaction).

If you’ve fallen and taken a serious injury, seek medical attention right away. Afterward, get the contact information of the property owner, as well as any managers onsite. Finally, call a lawyer to help you figure out compensation. Missed work and medical bills often associate slip and fall accidents, and you have the right to file a claim against the property owner.

Call the Experts at Ipson Law

As you can see, there are some key differences between trips, slips, and falls. If you have been injured in any of these accidents and believe that someone else is at fault, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible!

If you have slipped, tripped, or fallen in Utah due to negligence, contact Ipson Law Today.

Michael Ipson

Michael is an attorney who started Ipson Law because of his passion for personal injury law. He graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree from McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA. Learn more about Michael on our about us page, and contact Ipson Law to find out how we can help you.

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