Personal injury law book on a table.

How long does a personal injury case take? This question is frequently asked among injured parties seeking legal counsel for personal injury lawsuits.

It’d be nice if the answer were cut and dry, but the truth is, it isn’t. Cases within the U.S. legal system can become lengthy, especially in personal injury lawsuits. Ultimately, the amount of time it will take to settle your case depends on several factors, including the complexity of your case, the amount you may be entitled to, and whether or not a settlement is reached.

We’ll be taking a closer look at personal injury lawsuits, including the typical steps in the process, the factors that influence the length of your case, and how Ipson Law will help you get the money you’re entitled to—and fast.

What Are the Steps of Personal Injury Lawsuits

Have you wondered, “How long does a personal injury case take?” If so, it’s important to learn about the typical steps within the process. While many personal injury lawsuits reach settlements well before trial, that’s not always the case. 

1. Medical Treatment 

The first step in any personal injury case is getting the medical treatment you need for your injuries, including long-term care or rehabilitation. Much of the compensation you’ll receive is determined by the damage you’ve sustained, the cost of your medical expenses, and your prognosis. 

2. Meet With a Lawyer at Ipson Law 

Our personal injury lawyers are dedicated to our clients, and we’ll review your case thoroughly to ensure an accurate monetary value of your claim. Your initial consultation is a time for us to gather details about your accident and create a plan of action with you to help you receive the compensation you deserve. 

3. Attempt to Negotiate a Settlement 

Most personal injury lawsuits are resolved with a settlement outside of court. In this step, our lawyers will help you gather evidence, including your medical or police records. Our attorneys will then try to negotiate the most favorable settlement on your behalf and act as a mediator between you and the other party, including insurers. 

4. Proceed With Personal Injury Lawsuits 

Our attorney will file your case with the appropriate court if your lawsuit cannot be resolved through a settlement. At this stage, having a personal injury lawyer has never been more crucial. Our attorneys will ensure that your civil suit is filed correctly before the expiration of your statute of limitation and assist you throughout the rest of your case.  

5. Discovery 

Each party, or their attorneys, can review the evidence and arguments of the other party during the discovery phase. At this time, our attorneys may also take statements from witnesses or gather further evidence in preparation for trial. 

6. Trial and Verdict 

If a resolution is not reached outside of court, the lawsuit will go forward with a trial. Your case will receive a trial date, which can be weeks or months in the future. While this delay can significantly impact the time it can take to resolve your case, the trial and verdict phase are generally the last steps in a lawsuit. 

Contact Ipson Law 

The amount of time personal injury lawsuits will take varies significantly between cases. Depending on your case, injuries, and whether or not there is a settlement, your lawsuit may take months or years to conclude.

Fortunately, Ipson Law is here to help, and you’re our number one priority. Our expertise has aided countless victims in recouping compensation for their injuries, lost wages, and prognosis. We’ll help you obtain the financial compensation you rightfully deserve as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking for legal assistance, contact Ipson Law for a free consultation.

Michael Ipson

Michael is an attorney who started Ipson Law because of his passion for personal injury law. He graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree from McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA. Learn more about Michael on our about us page, and contact Ipson Law to find out how we can help you.

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