If you were recently involved in a car accident at the fault of another, you might not have felt the immediate impact on your body. For this reason, you probably didn’t go to the doctor after the accident for a check-up. 

Sometimes, you don’t feel the symptoms of possible injuries you might’ve acquired during the accident until later. However, if you delay seeing a doctor after an accident, you lessen your chances of getting some type of monetary compensation for your injuries.

Personal injury cases in Utah have a statute of limitations, making it all the more urgent that you get in touch with an experienced personal injury lawyer at Ipson Law Firm. The sooner we review your case, the quicker we can analyze the next steps in getting you the compensation you deserve.

Delayed symptoms

In Utah, the statute of limitation to bring a personal injury case to court is four years. If you’re experiencing delayed pain after a car accident, it’s imperative to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Sometimes, when you’re involved in an accident at the fault of someone else, your adrenaline at the moment can block out the pain from potential injuries. In other cases, it can take some time for injuries to surface.

What if I Waited to See a Doctor?

When you’re involved in a car accident, it’s generally a good idea to get checked out by a doctor to look for internal injuries or those you might not feel the effects of quite yet. 

However, if you failed to see a doctor after a car accident and are now experiencing delayed pain from an injury you got in the accident, it might not be too late to seek compensation. 

As soon as you start feeling pain, be sure to get to a doctor for a full check-up and x-rays, and gather all documents and police reports from the accident. The personal injury lawyers at Ipson Law Firm will review your case and walk you through your options for seeking compensation. 

Statute of Limitation

In Utah, you have four years to file a personal injury lawsuit with the court after being involved in a car accident at the fault of someone else. 

Understandably, you could either have delayed pain or simply just got caught up in the logistics of getting your life back in order after the accident and forgot to make a doctor’s appointment.

How Ipson Law Firm Can Help

Ipson Law Firm will work with you to prove that the injuries and pain you’re experiencing stemmed from the accident, and ensure you’re fairly compensated for your pain, suffering, and inconvenience. 

It’s hectic enough getting your life back in order after being involved in a car accident, and the last thing you need is a fight with an insurance company that’s only looking out for its own best interest — not yours.

The experienced personal injury lawyers at Ipson Law Firm will fight for you so you can get back to running your life. Contact us today.

Michael Ipson

Michael is an attorney who started Ipson Law because of his passion for personal injury law. He graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree from McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA. Learn more about Michael on our about us page, and contact Ipson Law to find out how we can help you.

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